Віхи української історії

1. Ранні поселення на території України. Київська Русь 
Трипільська культура. article
Скіфи та сармати.article 1,article 2. Матеріали Британського музея - за посиланням
Київська Русь. article 

Володимир Великий. Volodymyr the Great - articleаудіостаття
У 2019 році за підтримки Міністерства Культури України було закінчено зйомки історичного документально-ігрового фільму «Князь Володимир: між Пам‘яттю та Похвалою» режисера Володимира Денисенка та виробництва кінокомпанії “Nova Film”. Чекаємо на прем`єру, а поки що - тизер 
Ярослав Мудрий - article 1, article 2

2. Запорізька Січ. Боротьба за незалежність
Козацька республіка. 
- Zaporizhian Sich - article from Wikipedia, article 2
- sight Sights Historical and Cultural Complex of Zaporizhzhia Sich
Destruction of Zaporizhian Sich

Гетьмани України.   
 - Zaporoznian Cossacks - article
 - Hetmans - article 1, article 2

Українська народна республіка. М. Грушевський. 
 - Ukrainian People`s Republic 1918-1921 - article
1919 was a turning point in the Ukrainian National Liberation Revolution of 1917-1921. It became a test of the strength of the Ukrainian independent and sovereign state. After the victory of the armed uprising against the Hetmanate in December 1918, the Directory became the highest authority of the new Ukrainian People's Republic.

Бій під Крутами. 29 January 1918, a historical battle between Bolshevik forces of thousands and small, mainly students’, Ukrainian unit of several hundreds took place near Kruty railway station in 130km from Kyiv.
 - A screening of a new Ukrainian movie “Kruty 1918” will be released on February 7th 2019 in Kyiv. The film tells the story of the historic battle at the Kruty train station in Ukraine's Chernihiv region.

3. Україна за радянських часів, 
At the beginning of the 20th century, peasants made up 86% of the Soviet population. In 1926, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin decided that they all need to join collectively controlled farms. Which were established on the land seized from so-called kulaks - also known as wealthy peasants. They, and the villagers, who didn't agree with collectivization, were deported and executed. - video by UATV English "Soviet Collectivisation - Tool of punishment against Ukrainians"

Голодомор. Репресії. 

Україна у Другій світовій війні. 
Ukrainians in World War II 
Post-War Reconstruction of Ukraine

4. Незалежність України
Проголошення незалежності України. 
Trials and Tribulations of Ukrainian Independence
Ukrainians have been fighting for their independence for centuries. The battle first initiated by the Cossaks and picked up by the soldiers of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army resulted in a glorious victory 26 years ago. After the fall of the Soviet Union, Ukraine finally gained its long awaited independence. UATV has a report on the country’s long road towards independence.

Президенти України. article 1, article 2
Революція Гідності. 
On February 20th, in Ukraine, the feat of the participants of the Revolution of Dignity is honoured and memory of the Heavenly Hundred Heroes is commemorated. UATV launches a series of stories - "Memory of the Maidan" - before the tragic anniversary.


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